Made in 2021


A simple and fast portfolio theme for Wordpress

A fast Wordpress theme that I wanted to be unique and original. Mainly made for my portfolio, it can be used for any portfolio.


As a front-end developer, it’s mandatory to have a unique portfolio website. I didn’t want a classic one, that everyone has and everyone forgets. With a gif behind the hero, and some percentage on skills.

My wish was to also make it fully customizable content-wise. Even if I knew WordPress quite well, I wanted to make a theme from A to Z.


The perfect preview is simply this website you are visiting. You can go to the homepage to see it better.

The biggest challenge was to create the custom fields (or metabox) without any plugins. Usually, developers use ACF, but I didn’t want to be dependent to a third party of any kind. I named the theme Propaganda because it reminded me the cold sovietic propaganda style.

You can see the Cutsomizer side of the theme in the following screenshot:

Propaganda Screenshot 1

Propaganda Screenshot 2

It is not the most perfect WordPress theme, so I’ll make sure to update it to improve it from time to time.

tetris cube icon

Wow, that's some serious craftmanship Thomas!