Made in 2019

Philippe Marmotte

Funny name generator (FR)

An absurd name generator, funny for some French-speaking folks. It's possibly using some rude vocabulary, so be prepared if you visit the website.


In my private circle, we used a lot of absurd pseudo, mostly online. So as a training, I created this website, and the first name that came out was Philippe Marmotte.


Like Lorraine Ipsum, this project helped me understanding the casual Javascript uses. The Javascript can be used alone, with functions like getRandomIdentity(); . You can check the Github here if you feel like it. Let review together some functionalities:
Philippe Marmotte Screenshot 1
After 20h, it switches automatically into dark mode, but there is also a button to switch between the two modes.Philippe Marmotte Screenshot 2 scaled e1628780404513

tetris cube icon

Wow, that's some serious craftmanship Thomas!