Oh it’s All Coming Together – Notebook #2 (Oct 2021)

Hey there, I’m Thomas, a French web enthusiast currently based in Belgium. Every month, I try to focus on what happened this last month. Happy Halloween by the way!
Where am I?
Welcome back! This is the second “episode” of my freelancer diary that I started last September. What happened since then?
Well, to be short, not much.
But don’t get me wrong, I worked.
- Prezevent entered into a new cycle of his growth: we are finally reaping what we sowed for 1 year, SEO-wise. The amount of visitors is reaching his all-time high. Really encouraging, and we are not planning on stopping here.
- Vintage 4 Fashion is on the verge of being live. I have finished the Homepage this month. Reminder: this project had an extremely low budget, so I couldn’t spend as much time as I would recommend.
- I (finally) started a Dutch course in Leuven.
Good month overall, but something is missing right? Exactly, I didn’t get any new clients.
I got a dozen of serious leads this month. That’s almost as much as the whole 12 previous months combined!
Some where coming from Malt, some from this website and one from LinkedIn. Not bad at all. It also makes me happy to acknoledge that this website in which I invested hundred of hours is working properly.
But on the 9 inquiries I got, none of them actually ended as a new client for me (for now). Which is kind of frustrating, specially when 3 of them were kind of sealed. “I’ll contact you in one week so we can start working together.”
So, here is a piece of advice: it’s not a sealed deal until the client sign the pre-bill. Probably most of you already knew it, but me, I learnt it this month.
Of course, I’m still discussing with some of them, so it’s not over. I also had to turn down some offers, for different reasons (mostly geographical ones).
So, what do you say we meet in one week to chat about what happened in November? But first, let me present you my site of the month.
Site of the month
byjayciemota.com – This portfolio is looking neat, while remaining simple. Plus, the night vision is awesome.
I highly recommend you to check the website, it’s a great inspiration, good job Jaycie!
See you next month!